Sunday, September 13, 2009


Finish National Library project. Went to a flower market in Shih Chu city and bought herbs home, including Basil, Stevia, Mint, Rosemary, and Lemon Grass. Their smells are so conferting and relaxing. It makes me feel like I am a good cook. lol, I am day dreaming~~.
Fufu's photo shot last week before went to the clinic and when was there waiting for the health check. And the yellow follow was shot last weekend at the Levender Cottage. Still couldn't figure out what it is call. I will call it the popcorn follower for now.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Lavender Forrest

Last Sunday, Sep.5,2009. Fufu and I went to a 1.5-hour-local-drive travel spot in Shih-Chu County. It is called Lavender Cottage. (
Fufu was curious with all the plants. There was an area where they plant herbs like Levender, lemon grass, Mint, Rosemary, Thyme, Bay, Cinnamon, turmeric. The aroma in the air was very soothing.
Fufu and I shared a Levender Ice Cream, and Levender Yogurt. Well, they tasted like purple wheatgrass juice. Not too bad, but quite new to me. once in a life time should be enough

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hot Summer Day in Shih-Chu

Due to mom's mental problem, Fufu stay in Shih-Chu with me everyday since June. And because I was working on my class on the weekends and Lily's Central Library Project, we only went back to mom's home once a month. Last Saturaday, after came back from Taipei, I found out that I forgot to take fufu's favorite stuff ball back home. Fufu kept looking for it, he searched each corner of the house. I bought a new one to him to make it up to him. But he didn't want the new one but the one has his saliva on it. So I went to Taipei two days later after work. Soon after Fufu saw the ball, he had it in his mouth, and even hid under his body when he was sleeping.

Shih Chu was fine during the devascating typhoon happened last weekend. Fufu and I stayed home watched the news while writing the project report. I wish I could just go to help the homeless, but I have to work. I hope one day I learn to invest money and can be financial free without working reqularly. So I can go to help all livings when is needed. Money is very important especially when facing nature disasters. Lately, I am studying to make money bigger so in the future I can sponsor kids to get better education and have food, I can sponsor stray dog rescue team. Hope all livings in the world can be born free and worry free.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chinese Lantern Festival

Fufu and I went to check out this year's Chinese Lantern Festival Exhibition. This year is the year of Cow, so the main theme in most of lanterns is COW.

The Dr. Sun, Yet-San Memorial has a huge Cow lantern, which spins 360 degree every hour. With laser light show and dry ice. make the sky so colorful.

100s of images of cow are reflecting on the the wall of city hall. In front of the city hall, young singer artists are performing on the stage. Gathered 100s of audiences.

Fu sat of the lap of the father of the nation. wow, I am so proud of him.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Chinese New Year

Fufu is sitting on the character bed "Fu". This is his new year gift, along with tons of dog treats.

Fu's daily exercise after living with mom is walking around the great late park for 30 minutes to an hour, and visiting neighbors for another hour.

Within next month, fu and I will move into our new apartment. Can't wait to decorate the new home.