Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Healthy Fu

Soon as I came home, Fu followed me everywhere, and when I fixed him juice, he waited beside me. He couldn't wait for me tube feeding him and started eating all by himself. An hour later, he started barking for more food. Then I fixed him a dish full of soften dry food and nutrition supplement mix. He ate them all. Mom said Fu went potty twice today, and they looked good. I am so happy for Fu.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fu's check-up

One week after being diagnosed with stomach cancer, Fufu is doing just fine. I believe that the magic blended apples, patatos and carrots kicks in. Today fu weighted 4.5 Kg, 0.1 heavier than last week. A lot less vomiting, and no pass out while vomiting. the blood test showed fu is in good condition. 8:30pm, fu ate mixed boiled chicken, tofu, and the magic three vegetables, also CoQ10 and aureobasidium pullulans. Fu's ears and eyes are looking good. When I claped behind him, his ears quickly moved, and faced up to me. I really have to call the vegetables the miracle juice.