Friday, May 20, 2011

Shot 07/13/2008

Dearest Fu,

How are you lately? Last Sunday, I went to an NTR event to be a volunteer for Animal Taiwan, animal resecue group. There I saw 5 heartbroken dogs. Two were 3-legged, two had to use wheel chair, and the only 4 legged one, whose vocal cord was cut. All of them were very gental, very well-behaved, and beautiful. On the other booth, I saw many puppies. Among them, there were two Malteses, one sharpie, and one Scottland Shepeard. I didn't see any Shih Tzu that day, or I would probably take him home. Fu, we are blessed, we are surrounded by friends, families. Tons of tons of love and supports. Fu, please give me more strength to help others. Like Ms. Serena Chen, the founder of the rare disease fundation. She lost her son, but she still keep active to help many family financially and spiritually. I know one day I will be just like her. and I wish the day will come any day from now. Fu, you will with me all the time, right?

Love you
