Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer is coming

shot 2008.5.30

Dearest Fu,

How are you? First of all, I want to tell you the other day, I finally caught the roach, but I didn't kill it right away, instead, I flushed it to the toilet. However, there came another one couple days later. But when I wanted to kill it, it ran away and never came back. So there is no roach in our room no more.

I read a book called "Think yourself rich" by Joseph Murphy. In his book, he said that we have to believe in ourselves, and listen to the inner self. then we can turn ourselves around for a so much better life. all we have to do is turn negative thoughts to positive ones. and imagine ourselves to be whatever we want to be. and then our inner self will let our dream come true.

Fu. my dream will come true real soon. Let's pray Lin and her family stay healthy and happy forever and ever. Lin's father is being taken care of the most caring and skillful doctor, and he will come home really soon. I can graducate within next semester, and find a job allowing me to travel around. Fu, where do you want to go? wanna go with me? Fu, I miss you and love you.
