Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I miss you

Dearest Fu,

How are you lately? I just want to let you know that I am keeping my promise that I will meet you and mimi in the heaven one day. the bigger the obstcale I encounter, the greater success I will receive. Fu, you will always be with me, won't you? I have no doubt on that. Fu, I miss you so much.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

what a day

Dearest Fu,

How are you doing? The past week, things happened, I lost my strength on doing things. and I kept having self doubts. and I tried even harder on listening to Joel Osteen's preach. He said a scripture from Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you". Just keep God the highest priority and delegently seeking God, not asking for favor, but honoring God and He will give us our favor more than we can imagine. Every morning, I have to spent 30 minutes honoring God, thank God for giving me joy, strength, creativity, and abondance life by saying "God, I love you today. Let everything I do today bring honor to your name. Thank you for my life, for my family. In God's present is fullness of joy, peace, energy. help me to make skill/ talent to the full. God you said, if I honor you in all my way, you will crown my every asset of success."

Fu, now it seems like the problem has gone. I have to thank God for giving me strengh and wishdom. I am placing God my highest Priority, and God will give me in-sight decision.
Fu, I feel safe and reenergized by listening to these scriptures. Thank God.
