Sunday, April 8, 2012

Would you like to fly to the US with me again?

Dearest Fu,

How are you? I have been busy lately. But I am so grateful for being this busy. I have done 4 English conferense papers and 2 Chinese ones so far. My thesis is almost done. Also, my ph D proposal is on the way to be finished. I have never this happy in my life. the past 6 months was the most harvest period throughout my entire life. Thank God, thank prof. Lin, Chiu, Chiang, and Wu for enrich my life. If feels so good to be myself. I am thrived of making the most of my life. I hope everyone in the world realize this fact that everyone can be as healthy, wealthy, and happy as I am. Just believe in yourself. go for your dream all the way. just like what steve jobs said "The world around you that you called life is made up by people that is not smarter as you are. You can change it, you can create things for others to use. Once you know it, you will never be the same again."

Fu, now you have heard it, and so am I.
I am planning to pursue phD degree in education technology or innovation management. the key purpose of going for future degree is to, well, I have to say on the one side for personal fulfillment, and also to promote active learning. I want to be the best of me. I have to build up my credibility both academically and practically. Fu, I will apply for school later this year. If I get accepted, will you go with me?

Love you always