Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy birthday to me

shot June 10, 2008

Dearest Fu,

How are you? I just celebrated my 41 birthday a week ago. the photo of you was shot exactly 3 years ago. Time is flying, isn't it? My 2nd 20 years has just ended, and now I am going to my 3rd 20 years of life. My body starts to aging little by little. Last couple months I had been busy on project and school works, and my body started to compliant about it. You left at the age of 16, and it is considered 80+ year old in human age. I am now just half way there, and it starts to show signs of aging. I get headaches alot. In addition, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I sometimes cann't bear the heat. I thank God that you had gone earlier this year, before it gets this hot. or it would be really hard for you to stand.

Fu, there is a roach in this room lately. It seems weird that there is just this one. and it is not really afraid of me. Although sometimes I want to kill it, it ran away quitely but came back afterward. Funny roach.

Fu, I read some article about a man called Nick Vujicic, who lives his life without limbs. He once saw an story from bible and he knew immediately that the reason he was born without arms and legs was because the work of God may be revealed through him. If you don't know the truth you can't be free. He said we have to look at what we have, and believe in ourself. Fu, there must be a reason for you to be with me the past 16 years. I thank you for always being there for me. I will remember all the wonderful moments we had together, with mimi and other friends.


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