Saturday, September 4, 2010

Smart Fu

This morning, I gave Fu the soften dry food mixed with the nutrition supplyment powder, but I might added it too much, Fu vomit a little bit; what I saw next supprised me, Fu went to drink water, which he never did after vomiting. Everytime when I wanted to give him water after he vomited, he refused me. But he did all by himself today.

In the afternoon, we went out for the lunch. Fu loves to take a drive, we went to another aminal restaurant, but not suprisingly, it is closed as well. So we came home after curising around the city.

For the dinner, Fu ate half of the egg york, the juice with soy bean milk and boiled chicken. The we went out for a walk. Fu did his buiness. He did it twice today, looking good.

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