Monday, September 13, 2010

3rd check-up

Fu went back to the Vet for the 3rd check-up. As usual, they drew a tube of Fu's blood to find out the status of Fu's health condition. This is the 3rd time of the month that Fu had the blood test. Good thing is that everything turns out good. Except ALT droped down to 2.1 (it was 2.2 2 weeks ago). Fu lost 0.2 Kg, now he is weigted 4.3 Kg. The vet said ALT reflect Fu's weight loss. He suggested to give Fu more high-protein foods, and feed Fu more times each day and less portion each time.

Came back home at 4:30 PM, gave Fu the juice. He drank them all (about 100 cc), did his business right afterward. Later on, mom gave him soften dry food. It was not watery, but mom said Fu ate it just fine. Yeah, 'cause he looked fine after I got back, he followed me everywhere. I cleaned up his ears, cut his claw nails and pawm hairs. About 10PM, Fu barked at me, and seems like saying he was hungry. So I fixed him blended greens, chicken breats, and tofu. Fu drank at least 50cc. The vet told me one subsribed medicine to shrink the tumor, so I did. Then played fetching 3 minutes. Went to bed at 12 PM.

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