Friday, March 4, 2011

Fufu Chou (1994/11/01 ~ 2011/03/01)

Dearest Fu,

You gave me 16 years full of joyfulness with you. Within 16 years, you spent first 5 years in Taiwan, playing with Mimi, Baobao, and C.C. Then flew half way around the globe with mimi to live with me for 8 years. You had been in Columbus, OH; NYC; and Buffalo, NY. At the age of 13, I left you there for 6 months to stay with Lin and Fred. You were heartbroken, you didn't eat and move for 3 whole days. And Lin and her beatiful family melt you down. You got a chance to have whole family to celebrate your birthday for the first in your life time, you got a chance to take photo with Santa Claus, and you got a chance to be loved and cared by Lin and Fred, the most wonderful human beings in the world. You also had two wonderful playmates- Asti and Tazzi. You had tons of toys to chew on, you had tens of doggy beds to sleep upon, and you had yards to run around. 6 months later, I forced you to come back to Taiwan alone, with a very long flight journey, and lived for another 3 years. You never told me if you hated me for being selfish or not. You never turned your back to me. You were gentle, sweet, you never made a mess, you always well-behaved. You always ate like a piggy, you always followed me around like a buggy. The only crazy thing was playing fetch. You were crazy at balls. You always gently scrached people's leg to ask them to playing fetch with you. You could have a ball in your mouth while sleeping. When I hold you up, the ball would never drop from your mouth. and when you woke up, it was time playing fetch again. You gave me many great memories, even on the last day of your life. I took you to the school library, you lay on my lap waiting for me to finish my work. You ate everything happily, but your stomach just could not handel them well. I knew that you wanted to stay with me until I got my master degree. You had done your best to be there for me. I miss your snoring and your barks, I miss you very much. You were a wonderful life companion. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you and miss you forever, and I will see you again later.


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