Friday, April 29, 2011

2nd month without you

Shot 2007 by Lin

Dearest Fu,

How are you doing? It has been two months since you left. I was thinking to adopt a heartbroken Shih Tzu, but I was afraid that I can't give him a fair life squeezing in my busy schedule. On April 22, Lin and I encountered something related to you. Lin got a heartworm test reminder from the vet, and I dreamt about walking under water with you. At first, I couldn't figure out what it implied. But after dream interpratation from a website Lin sent me. I realized that because I was under pressure, I was walking under water. What touched me was that you were there with me. You walked underwater with me, and you walked just like you used to be. light-hearted and worry-free. Thank you Fu. The 2nd month without you, I stay stronger little by little. Love you and miss you.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shot 04/05/2009

Dearest Fu,

How have you been? Today, I came to studio and chated with Lin for the first time after you were gone. She found a photo of you sneaking into Asti's bed. You were so funny looking at the camera like you were so happy that you finally got on the bed. You did so many funny things, didn't you? Later today, I found this photo from the notebook. this was shot very close to 2 year ago, when we newly moved into Shin-Tzu for about a month. At that time you were still healthy. You loved to run around when we lived there. Everytime when we came back to Taipei, you just didn't like to walk by yourself. I guess you didn't like Taipei too much, did you? It has been a month since you left. For some reason, I never dreamt of you. If there is something you want to talk to me, please come to my dream and tell me, would you? Love you.
