Friday, April 29, 2011

2nd month without you

Shot 2007 by Lin

Dearest Fu,

How are you doing? It has been two months since you left. I was thinking to adopt a heartbroken Shih Tzu, but I was afraid that I can't give him a fair life squeezing in my busy schedule. On April 22, Lin and I encountered something related to you. Lin got a heartworm test reminder from the vet, and I dreamt about walking under water with you. At first, I couldn't figure out what it implied. But after dream interpratation from a website Lin sent me. I realized that because I was under pressure, I was walking under water. What touched me was that you were there with me. You walked underwater with me, and you walked just like you used to be. light-hearted and worry-free. Thank you Fu. The 2nd month without you, I stay stronger little by little. Love you and miss you.


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