Monday, September 13, 2010

3rd check-up

Fu went back to the Vet for the 3rd check-up. As usual, they drew a tube of Fu's blood to find out the status of Fu's health condition. This is the 3rd time of the month that Fu had the blood test. Good thing is that everything turns out good. Except ALT droped down to 2.1 (it was 2.2 2 weeks ago). Fu lost 0.2 Kg, now he is weigted 4.3 Kg. The vet said ALT reflect Fu's weight loss. He suggested to give Fu more high-protein foods, and feed Fu more times each day and less portion each time.

Came back home at 4:30 PM, gave Fu the juice. He drank them all (about 100 cc), did his business right afterward. Later on, mom gave him soften dry food. It was not watery, but mom said Fu ate it just fine. Yeah, 'cause he looked fine after I got back, he followed me everywhere. I cleaned up his ears, cut his claw nails and pawm hairs. About 10PM, Fu barked at me, and seems like saying he was hungry. So I fixed him blended greens, chicken breats, and tofu. Fu drank at least 50cc. The vet told me one subsribed medicine to shrink the tumor, so I did. Then played fetching 3 minutes. Went to bed at 12 PM.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Smart Fu

This morning, I gave Fu the soften dry food mixed with the nutrition supplyment powder, but I might added it too much, Fu vomit a little bit; what I saw next supprised me, Fu went to drink water, which he never did after vomiting. Everytime when I wanted to give him water after he vomited, he refused me. But he did all by himself today.

In the afternoon, we went out for the lunch. Fu loves to take a drive, we went to another aminal restaurant, but not suprisingly, it is closed as well. So we came home after curising around the city.

For the dinner, Fu ate half of the egg york, the juice with soy bean milk and boiled chicken. The we went out for a walk. Fu did his buiness. He did it twice today, looking good.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Healthy Fu

Soon as I came home, Fu followed me everywhere, and when I fixed him juice, he waited beside me. He couldn't wait for me tube feeding him and started eating all by himself. An hour later, he started barking for more food. Then I fixed him a dish full of soften dry food and nutrition supplement mix. He ate them all. Mom said Fu went potty twice today, and they looked good. I am so happy for Fu.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fu's check-up

One week after being diagnosed with stomach cancer, Fufu is doing just fine. I believe that the magic blended apples, patatos and carrots kicks in. Today fu weighted 4.5 Kg, 0.1 heavier than last week. A lot less vomiting, and no pass out while vomiting. the blood test showed fu is in good condition. 8:30pm, fu ate mixed boiled chicken, tofu, and the magic three vegetables, also CoQ10 and aureobasidium pullulans. Fu's ears and eyes are looking good. When I claped behind him, his ears quickly moved, and faced up to me. I really have to call the vegetables the miracle juice.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gifts from Lin

Dearest Lin,
Thank you so much for these lovely gifts. I only asked for the photos, and you gave me so much more. Those post cards are so sweet. All of you look so beautiful. Ruddi seems to know how to pose for the photos. The way his head leans on Tazzi is so cute, and looks just like Fred did. He must have pick up from Fred, I guess.

Fufu is crazy at his new stuff toys and the biscuits. Now even though he is sleeping, he is chewing on the plush reindeer. That's how he did on the new year photo with a orange ball in his mouth. I didn't do the "layering", fufu did it himself.

Now I start to understand why you always tears in your eyes when opening packages. When I saw those photos, I just couldn't help but crying. wow. Thank you for much for your thoughtfulness and caring. I can't express how grateful I feel. Thank you for those nice words. Wish you all the happiness and joyfulness forever and ever.

Best Regards,

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year 2010

Fu gains weight back a little bit, now he is 4.8 Kg, 0.7 kg to go. This afternoon, the door keeper saw fu ran with me, he said it had been awhile seeing fu run around. The boy has more energy since last week, which makes me a happy camper.

X'mas sweepstake

Went to Pet Shop on the weekend after X'mas, Fufu gained his energy back gradually. There was too many people over there. Fu and I was there for 2 and half hour, we were hoping to win the 2nd prize NTD 5000 (USD 1500) or the 1st one 10000 (USD 300) worth of shopping card. so that we can shop like rich people and fufu can eat like big piggy. (He is already like little piggy now). I stood on the stair between the 1st and the 2nd floor, and fufu was set on piles of doggy diapers, so we won't get stuck inside the crowds. 20 lucky persons to win the prizes, but you can only get it if you are showing up that day, so it was like every 10 - 15 numbers to get one who was present. I had 4/ 100s of chances of winning, and there was twice the winner was just one number before or after me. Anyway, we didn't get lucky that day. Atleast we had fun participating it.

Fufu's birthday on Nov. 2nd, 2009

Celebrating Fufu's birthday with Lin over the AIM on Nov. 2nd, 2009 night (Lin's noon). Fu wore a new US Navy jacket and a birhday hat. He looked so cute wearing taht way, even though he didn't seem to love the idea of wearing it. Lin held Tazzi and Ruddi to sing birthday song to fufu, and that made Fu king of the day. Thank you Lin.