Thursday, December 29, 2011

End of 2011

Dearest Fu,

It has been 3 months since the last time I wrote a message. How's going? Lin sent me a photo of you, decorated with a very beautiful border. You looked so carefree. Also, my former colleague asked about you the other day. and a classmate of mine saw you on FB, she said you were so cute. I am so prode of you. You have gone for 9 months now. Lately, I was like lost in the wonderland, or maybe coming back to the reality. I grew up a lot in a very short period of time. But you know, we Doggy only think positively, right? If I were not brave, no one will be brave for me. So fu, wish me luck, be brave, and always full of energy and joy. Well, the weather is getting colder. please take care of yourself. Love you forever.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I miss you

Dearest Fu,

How are you lately? I just want to let you know that I am keeping my promise that I will meet you and mimi in the heaven one day. the bigger the obstcale I encounter, the greater success I will receive. Fu, you will always be with me, won't you? I have no doubt on that. Fu, I miss you so much.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

what a day

Dearest Fu,

How are you doing? The past week, things happened, I lost my strength on doing things. and I kept having self doubts. and I tried even harder on listening to Joel Osteen's preach. He said a scripture from Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you". Just keep God the highest priority and delegently seeking God, not asking for favor, but honoring God and He will give us our favor more than we can imagine. Every morning, I have to spent 30 minutes honoring God, thank God for giving me joy, strength, creativity, and abondance life by saying "God, I love you today. Let everything I do today bring honor to your name. Thank you for my life, for my family. In God's present is fullness of joy, peace, energy. help me to make skill/ talent to the full. God you said, if I honor you in all my way, you will crown my every asset of success."

Fu, now it seems like the problem has gone. I have to thank God for giving me strengh and wishdom. I am placing God my highest Priority, and God will give me in-sight decision.
Fu, I feel safe and reenergized by listening to these scriptures. Thank God.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer is coming

shot 2008.5.30

Dearest Fu,

How are you? First of all, I want to tell you the other day, I finally caught the roach, but I didn't kill it right away, instead, I flushed it to the toilet. However, there came another one couple days later. But when I wanted to kill it, it ran away and never came back. So there is no roach in our room no more.

I read a book called "Think yourself rich" by Joseph Murphy. In his book, he said that we have to believe in ourselves, and listen to the inner self. then we can turn ourselves around for a so much better life. all we have to do is turn negative thoughts to positive ones. and imagine ourselves to be whatever we want to be. and then our inner self will let our dream come true.

Fu. my dream will come true real soon. Let's pray Lin and her family stay healthy and happy forever and ever. Lin's father is being taken care of the most caring and skillful doctor, and he will come home really soon. I can graducate within next semester, and find a job allowing me to travel around. Fu, where do you want to go? wanna go with me? Fu, I miss you and love you.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy birthday to me

shot June 10, 2008

Dearest Fu,

How are you? I just celebrated my 41 birthday a week ago. the photo of you was shot exactly 3 years ago. Time is flying, isn't it? My 2nd 20 years has just ended, and now I am going to my 3rd 20 years of life. My body starts to aging little by little. Last couple months I had been busy on project and school works, and my body started to compliant about it. You left at the age of 16, and it is considered 80+ year old in human age. I am now just half way there, and it starts to show signs of aging. I get headaches alot. In addition, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I sometimes cann't bear the heat. I thank God that you had gone earlier this year, before it gets this hot. or it would be really hard for you to stand.

Fu, there is a roach in this room lately. It seems weird that there is just this one. and it is not really afraid of me. Although sometimes I want to kill it, it ran away quitely but came back afterward. Funny roach.

Fu, I read some article about a man called Nick Vujicic, who lives his life without limbs. He once saw an story from bible and he knew immediately that the reason he was born without arms and legs was because the work of God may be revealed through him. If you don't know the truth you can't be free. He said we have to look at what we have, and believe in ourself. Fu, there must be a reason for you to be with me the past 16 years. I thank you for always being there for me. I will remember all the wonderful moments we had together, with mimi and other friends.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Shot 07/13/2008

Dearest Fu,

How are you lately? Last Sunday, I went to an NTR event to be a volunteer for Animal Taiwan, animal resecue group. There I saw 5 heartbroken dogs. Two were 3-legged, two had to use wheel chair, and the only 4 legged one, whose vocal cord was cut. All of them were very gental, very well-behaved, and beautiful. On the other booth, I saw many puppies. Among them, there were two Malteses, one sharpie, and one Scottland Shepeard. I didn't see any Shih Tzu that day, or I would probably take him home. Fu, we are blessed, we are surrounded by friends, families. Tons of tons of love and supports. Fu, please give me more strength to help others. Like Ms. Serena Chen, the founder of the rare disease fundation. She lost her son, but she still keep active to help many family financially and spiritually. I know one day I will be just like her. and I wish the day will come any day from now. Fu, you will with me all the time, right?

Love you


Friday, April 29, 2011

2nd month without you

Shot 2007 by Lin

Dearest Fu,

How are you doing? It has been two months since you left. I was thinking to adopt a heartbroken Shih Tzu, but I was afraid that I can't give him a fair life squeezing in my busy schedule. On April 22, Lin and I encountered something related to you. Lin got a heartworm test reminder from the vet, and I dreamt about walking under water with you. At first, I couldn't figure out what it implied. But after dream interpratation from a website Lin sent me. I realized that because I was under pressure, I was walking under water. What touched me was that you were there with me. You walked underwater with me, and you walked just like you used to be. light-hearted and worry-free. Thank you Fu. The 2nd month without you, I stay stronger little by little. Love you and miss you.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shot 04/05/2009

Dearest Fu,

How have you been? Today, I came to studio and chated with Lin for the first time after you were gone. She found a photo of you sneaking into Asti's bed. You were so funny looking at the camera like you were so happy that you finally got on the bed. You did so many funny things, didn't you? Later today, I found this photo from the notebook. this was shot very close to 2 year ago, when we newly moved into Shin-Tzu for about a month. At that time you were still healthy. You loved to run around when we lived there. Everytime when we came back to Taipei, you just didn't like to walk by yourself. I guess you didn't like Taipei too much, did you? It has been a month since you left. For some reason, I never dreamt of you. If there is something you want to talk to me, please come to my dream and tell me, would you? Love you.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear Fu, we made it!

Fu, shot in 2008.

Dearest Fu,

Today I passed my proposal. We made it. I once asked you to stay with me at least after today, and you were trying your best to fulfill my request. But you left on March 1st, just few hours after I said to you not to live just for me. I somehow feel that you left me because you didn't want me to worry about you while working on the proposal. And today, I felt that you were with me throughout my presentation. Everything went amazingly smooth. I got a pass with very little alteration needed. Thank you Fu. Love you always.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Fufu Chou (1994/11/01 ~ 2011/03/01)

Dearest Fu,

You gave me 16 years full of joyfulness with you. Within 16 years, you spent first 5 years in Taiwan, playing with Mimi, Baobao, and C.C. Then flew half way around the globe with mimi to live with me for 8 years. You had been in Columbus, OH; NYC; and Buffalo, NY. At the age of 13, I left you there for 6 months to stay with Lin and Fred. You were heartbroken, you didn't eat and move for 3 whole days. And Lin and her beatiful family melt you down. You got a chance to have whole family to celebrate your birthday for the first in your life time, you got a chance to take photo with Santa Claus, and you got a chance to be loved and cared by Lin and Fred, the most wonderful human beings in the world. You also had two wonderful playmates- Asti and Tazzi. You had tons of toys to chew on, you had tens of doggy beds to sleep upon, and you had yards to run around. 6 months later, I forced you to come back to Taiwan alone, with a very long flight journey, and lived for another 3 years. You never told me if you hated me for being selfish or not. You never turned your back to me. You were gentle, sweet, you never made a mess, you always well-behaved. You always ate like a piggy, you always followed me around like a buggy. The only crazy thing was playing fetch. You were crazy at balls. You always gently scrached people's leg to ask them to playing fetch with you. You could have a ball in your mouth while sleeping. When I hold you up, the ball would never drop from your mouth. and when you woke up, it was time playing fetch again. You gave me many great memories, even on the last day of your life. I took you to the school library, you lay on my lap waiting for me to finish my work. You ate everything happily, but your stomach just could not handel them well. I knew that you wanted to stay with me until I got my master degree. You had done your best to be there for me. I miss your snoring and your barks, I miss you very much. You were a wonderful life companion. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you and miss you forever, and I will see you again later.
